function buyAndSell(value) {
let balance = 100000; // initial balance
let holding = 0; // initial holding
// loop every 0.3 seconds
setInterval(() => {
let price = getPrice(); // get current price from API or data source
// buy if value is less than or equal to current price and balance is greater than or equal to value
if (value <= price && balance >= value) {
holding += (balance / price); // buy as much as possible
balance -= value; // deduct value from balance
// sell if price is greater than or equal to 1.2 times value and holding is greater than 0
if (price >= (value * 1.2) && holding > 0) {
balance += (holding * price); // sell all holdings
holding = 0; // reset holding to 0
}, 300); // run every 0.3 seconds